Saturday, December 24, 2022

Premature Ejaculation Help - 4 Fatal Mistakes You Should Avoid While Exercising Your PC Muscle

Are your efforts to strengthen your PC muscles not showing the results you expected? Then, here is a piece of premature ejaculation help that you should know upfront: It's not the PC exercises in itself, but something you're doing wrong. PC exercises are a surefire, proven tool that if used correctly, will help you overcome premature ejaculation. So keep reading.

As you probably know, PC exercises target the PC muscle, where PC stands for PuboCoccygeus, a set of muscles that run from the pubic bone to the tailbone. 

It's the group of muscles you use to stop the flow of urine from the bladder, and, maybe more importantly for our case, control the ejaculatory mechanism. If properly trained, PC muscles are the premature ejaculation help that will make you last longer in bed.

Premature ejaculation help: Strong PC muscles bring real benefits

To start with, your orgasm will last longer; actually, you could reach a stage in which achieving an orgasm without ejaculating could be normal. You ejaculate on demand.

Besides, you'll experience more intense climax and sexual experiences overall.

As usual, healthy muscles bring unexpected rewards. For example, a strong PC muscle will be good for your bladder, granting you with better control of the urination schedule. It's one of the best premature ejaculation help you can take.

Win-win situation, if you ask me.

Premature ejaculation help: Beware of these mistakes

How do you if you are on the right track? Check out the 3 most common mistakes made while starting a PC routine:

Mistake #1: You're doing too many reps - Your enthusiasm is hitting the roof, so you spend not 15 minutes, but 2 hours a day flexing your PC muscle. Wrong! A muscle is a muscle and it can get sore like any other. Go slow, 3 sets of 3-5 minutes each is more than enough.

Mistake #2: You're not isolating the PC. You might be flexing each and every muscle in your pubic area...except the PC. Yes, for a newbie it's a real challenge to find it. How do you find it? 

Here is your premature ejaculation help: Put two fingers behind your testicles and pretend you are peeing. Now stop it. Did you feel a contraction? That's the PC muscle. If you find it impossible to locate, exhaust the surrounding muscles first (abs, buttock, thigh, and groin muscles) and then resume your PC routine.

Mistake #3: Drop out too soon - PC muscles respond quickly to training. You'll see results in 3 weeks and maybe less. However, some guys expect results overnight and that's impossible, so they quit. Be patient and good things will happen to you.

Mistake #4: Using the PC as the one and only treatment - Some guys do strengthen the PC muscle, but never fit the new skill in a more comprehensive strategy; PC muscles don't work in isolation. 

Their real value comes when they are used harmonically with other techniques such as arousal awareness, relaxation, and more.

That's it, that's the 4 most common mistakes in a PC muscle routine. Don't overdo it, learn to isolate it, be patient, and integrate your stronger PC muscle with other techniques. You'll see amazing results in 3 weeks or less. 

You'll last longer in bed, and your orgasm will be much more intense. That's your premature ejaculation help of the day.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

I really do not reveal my top-secret weapon on public pages. If you want to see how I learned to master and stop premature ejaculation follow this link to my private page. There you will learn the big gun that brought me from minute man to sexual dynamo:

You will be surprised about what the big secret is:

This Secret Has The Power To Completely Reverse Even The Most Severe Premature Ejaculation So You Can Go 30 To 60 Minutes At A Time… 3, 4 Or Even 5 Times A Night…

So now it’s time to open up your copy of the report and take that crucial first step. You can get your free copy here.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Special Thrusting, Deep Breathing And Changing Sexual Positions To Last Longer In Bed

There are many ways through which a man can last longer in bed. All that one should do is find out what really works for him and try to use it to boost his performance in the bedroom. 

Special thrusting, deep breathing, and tactically changing sexual positions are sexual techniques that have helped many men to last longer in bed. 

Here is how and why these methods are effective in helping a man to delay ejaculation.

It is no secret that the frequency with which a man penetrates a woman determines his arousal levels. This is because the intensity of arousal usually rises with the increase in the frequency of thrusting because of the increased friction between the penis and the vagina. 

You should therefore start sexual intercourse with slow thrusting and shallower penetrations and then increase the pace of your thrusts as your partner gets increasingly aroused. 

This will make sure that there is no instant buildup of sexual energy which might result in early ejaculation. To last longer in bed, you should always start slowly.

A great way of lasting longer in bed while making sure that her chain of arousal is not broken is to thrust deep into her and instead of thrusting with your penis moving in and out of her vagina, you simply rub your pelvis on her clitoris. 

The clitoral stimulation will help to keep her aroused while the break in thrusting will help to reduce your arousal levels. This is because, with no thrusting, there is less friction on the shaft of your penis and thus meaning that you will be less aroused. This should be able to make you last longer in bed.

While the start and stop technique is effective in helping men to last longer in bed, it usually presents challenges when it comes to the actual execution of the technique. 

This is because the stops can be awkward to an extent that they can break the chain of arousal of your partner. 

To prevent premature ejaculation while at the same time avoiding awkward moments, simply change sexual positions when you are about to ejaculate. 

This will seem like a natural thing to do and thus it will not reduce the arousal level of your partner. 

The period in between the change in sexual positions should be enough to allow you time to rest and thus help you to last longer in bed.

Performance anxiety is a leading cause of premature ejaculation. This is because being nervous usually causes a lot of tension in a man's body and thus making it hard for him to control his ejaculatory process. 

Relaxing your body through deep breathing during and before sex will help you to last longer in bed because it will allow you to be in better control of yourself.

All these sexual techniques should however not be used in isolation if lasting longer in bed is something that you want. You should always use different methods of delaying ejaculation at the same time for better sexual performance. 

This is especially so considering that most of the techniques usually complement each other. It is also good to remember that men are wired differently and what may work for one man so far as preventing premature ejaculation is concerned, might not work for the other. 

Using different methods of lasting longer in bed is thus recommended and when you find one that helps you to last as long as you wish, stick to it. 

You can always last longer, and these methods of delaying ejaculation will definitely help you to do this.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

I really do not reveal my top-secret weapon on public pages. If you want to see how I learned to master and stop premature ejaculation follow this link to my private page. There you will learn the big gun that brought me from minute man to sexual dynamo:

You will be surprised about what the big secret is:

This Secret Has The Power To Completely Reverse Even The Most Severe Premature Ejaculation So You Can Go 30 To 60 Minutes At A Time… 3, 4 Or Even 5 Times A Night…

So now it’s time to open up your copy of the report and take that crucial first step. You can get your free copy here.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Does Premature Ejaculation Spray Really Work?

You can go onto any online merchant store and browse through page after page of creams, pills, and sprays that are designed to help a guy last longer in bed and spice up the sex life, but does that really mean that any of them are effective in doing what they promise?

Well, let's first look at what premature ejaculation sprays actually do. They are not a treatment for long-term results as some men might be misled by this. 

Instead, they are desensitizing sprays that can help control the overwhelming feeling of super stimulation that will lead to quick climax for guys.

Yes, these can be extremely beneficial for any guy who needs a fast and easy solution, but if you are looking to treat your PE for the long haul - this is not the answer, however, some men may find that using a product like premature ejaculation spray can help with their exercises that they use to increase stamina.

If you decide to pick up a bottle, make sure that you don't use too much. It typically only takes a couple of drops, and be careful not to get it anywhere other than the head of your penis and the shaft.

You may want to use a condom because it can rub off on her, and though it may not be harmful, it can certainly desensitize a girl to the point where she is not enjoying herself.

If you do decide to try out a spray, consider seeing what others have to say about a particular one first, considering that there are many out there, and some you may find to be useless.

Probably the biggest benefit of a premature ejaculation spray is the fact that if you have the opportunity to have intercourse and it's very last minute, a couple quick sprays can get you prepped for the moment.

The other massive benefit is for men who struggle so much with their PE that they have never been able to go for more than a minute or two, and have no idea what that experience is like.

This is also very true for couples who are disappointed by constant short sex sessions. 

By using a spray responsibly, it's quite possible for a guy to go for a very long time and get a chance to experience that and feel really good about himself while making his partner feel really good at the same time.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Your special FREE report…

Are you struggling with your performance in bed?

More specifically, is your inability to last long enough for your partner making you feel anxious about sex?

If so, I’m glad to see you’ve made the right decision by getting your exclusive copy of “Supercharging Your Ejaculatory Control”.

If you want to permanently end the pain and embarrassment of premature ejaculation and enjoy transformative sex, read this right away:

Supercharging Your Ejaculatory Control

THEN pay CLOSE attention to the messages that arrive in your inbox. You’re going to learn valuable tips and strategies that 90% of men will never know about combating PE. This will put you in TOTAL control and allow you to SUPERCHARGE your performance in bed.

So now it’s time to open up your copy of the report and take that crucial first step…

Sunday, October 23, 2022

6 Proven Ways on How to Avoid Quick Ejaculation

How to avoid quick ejaculation is probably a million-dollar question that most guys are ashamed to ask. Love-making is supposed to be the ultimate union of both body and soul. 

However, what is supposed to be an ecstatic affair can turn into a disappointing ordeal when the man stops in the midst of a heightened passion for a shortcut to the finish line - for himself - and not the partner who lays bitter and unsatisfied. 

Sexual satisfaction for both partners is essential to maintain a happy relationship. Needless to say, if you happen to have this embarrassing and yet frustrating issue that might eventually strain your relationship, it is important to seek for solutions to end your misery in bed.

Fortunately, it is not the end of the world for you. There are techniques and strategies that you can implement to improve your performance in bed. 

Here are some tips on how to avoid quick ejaculation and take your partner on cloud nine.

1. Choose a sex position that will not easily trigger quick ejaculation. Lying on top or touching your partner from behind can elicit quick release. Placing your partner on top is a better way for you to sustain your urge to take the shortcut. Make sure to choose the best sex position to satisfy her.

2. Change your focus. Another trick is to take your mind off that moment and let your mind wander to other things that are not related to your love-making, especially when you feel that you are already getting to the peak of your passion. 

Remember to apply this technique, this technique is one of the most effective ways to stop premature ejaculation.

3. Communicate with your partner during intercourse. If you feel that you are on the verge to climax, tell your partner that you want to slow down a bit. It is better, to be honest, and upfront with her so she can support you while you are trying to slow down. 

At this point, you might also want to consider changing the position to achieve a positive result. It is better to tell your partner the truth, rather than make her upset later.

4. Control your breathing. If you feel that climax is near, you can slow your breathing and get your senses back on track until the urge to ejaculate passes. 

This is one of the ways how to avoid quick ejaculation. Once the urge is gone, you can resume your love-making. By mastering this technique you already overcome most of the premature ejaculation problems.

5. Using desensitizing cream. This cream is used to lower sensitivity to the penis. The reduced sensitivity will make you less vulnerable to the overpowering sensations of sex. 

However, this is not a permanent solution as it can cause numbness on your part and might eventually hinder you from making an erection. It is not recommended to apply this technique, but it is still worth trying. Some people found this technique effective enough.

6. Get a head start. Some men claim that masturbating at least a few hours before love-making can decrease the tendency for quick ejaculations since your initial pent-up excitement for orgasm has been fulfilled. 

Make sure it is 2 - 3 hours before the love-making session, otherwise, it will not take any effect on you.

The tips and strategies above can help you get started on resolving your issue with premature ejaculation. Learning how to avoid quick ejaculation by following any of the tips above can give you a chance to repair your sexual experience with your partner and enjoy the peak of your passion.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Your special report…

Are you struggling with your performance in bed?

More specifically, is your inability to last long enough for your partner making you feel anxious about sex?

If so, I’m glad to see you’ve made the right decision by getting your exclusive copy of “Supercharging Your Ejaculatory Control”.

If you want to permanently end the pain and embarrassment of premature ejaculation and enjoy transformative sex, read this right away.

You’re going to learn valuable tips and strategies that 90% of men will never know about combating PE. This will put you in TOTAL control and allow you to SUPERCHARGE your performance in bed.

This Secret Has The Power To Completely Reverse Even The Most Severe Premature Ejaculation So You Can Go 30 To 60 Minutes At A Time… 3, 4 Or Even 5 Times A Night…

So now it’s time to open up your copy of the report and take that crucial first step. You can get your free copy here.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Drugs for Premature Ejaculation Vs Natural Premature Ejaculation Treatments - Which Is King?

Premature ejaculation is also known to many men as early ejaculation, rapid climax, and also premature climax, or simply as PE. It is a condition inflicting millions of men around the World. 

It essentially means that they are unable to prevent ejaculation before their partner desires them to do so. The sex is then over and sadly the girl is left wondering what happened.

There are various premature ejaculation treatments available for men suffering from this embarrassing condition. Premature ejaculation treatments are available in many forms lotions, pills, and sprays. 

However, the premature ejaculation treatments most preferred by men are those that are natural because of their affordability and effectiveness. There are various programs out there on the Internet that will teach exercises to help stop PE, and these really are the best as they stop the problem by fixing it, rather than just covering it up.

Most experts define premature ejaculation as ejaculation within the first two minutes of intercourse, and this condition influences the mental and emotional health of both persons participating in the sexual act.

The primary cause of PE is mostly attributed to psychological or environmental conditions. Some other causes include hurt feelings, lack of communication between the couple, emotional loss, and even distrust. Anxiety is also said to cause this problem.

Experts also say that business-related stress, family matters, or even job-related problems can cause this terrible condition hindering the sexual happiness of not only the man but also the woman.

You would be surprised at how many women actually blame their partner's PE as the reason they cheated on him!

Men have searched for premature ejaculation treatments for many years. Men afflicted with this condition should treat PE as soon as possible to avoid other sexual problems in the future. 

Many medical premature ejaculation treatments involve changing the brain to control the urge to ejaculate by blocking chemicals within it. For more severe cases, medical interventions are advised that include dosage testing for medication. 

These drugs work on the chemicals that control your brain called neurotransmitters. They are often in the class of antidepressant medications. You should know that medication should always be the last option. 

While it can and will work, medications can have many undesired side effects. There are so many natural treatments out there that will correct the problem. These natural methods should always be attempted first and foremost!

Of course, there are also exercises that help solve this problem. One of the most popular exercises used for premature ejaculation treatments is the Kegel exercise - an exercise named after famed medical professional, Dr. Arnold Kegel. 

The Kegel exercise involves the control of ejaculation rather than its prevention, and it is advised by most sex experts (including me).

Most men, they prefer the use of natural premature ejaculation treatments. Some of these natural methods have existed for many years, even practiced by ancient civilizations in India and China. 

These premature ejaculation treatments use herbal remedies and medicines and are tested to cause no side effects or adverse effects. Because these natural premature ejaculation treatments lack harmful effects, their popularity among men with PE problems has risen through the years.

Some of these natural premature ejaculation treatments use Clove buds as medicine to improve blood circulation that would help to decrease nervousness and tension among men. This treatment was used during the seventh and eighth centuries in almost all of Europe.

The dosage for using Clove buds as a premature ejaculation treatment is to take clove tea two times daily, powdered clove capsules are taken every day, or even applying clove ointments directly to the penis. 

These are said to cure premature ejaculation by improving the flow of blood in the penis and soothing the nerves, leading to longer sexual pleasure for both partners by delaying ejaculation. 

However, the use of Clove may cause drowsiness; patients are advised not to take it if they are planning on driving or operating heavy machines.

Other forms of natural early ejaculation treatments involve controlling the body and breathing properly.

There are many forms of treatment for PE, ranging from natural, and medical to psychological. All those inflicted with this condition have to do is choose the best one that suits their needs.

As I stated earlier there are numerous ways to naturally fix this problem. Try the natural methods first and if all else fails think about medications.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

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Sunday, October 9, 2022

How To Last Longer In Bed For Men: Add Extra 60 Minutes Straight Away

In this article, I will show you how to last longer in bed for men and how to add extra 60 minutes straight away to your lovemaking session. I know this sounds like an exaggerated statement to say that you can last 60 minutes longer just by reading this article. 

What I'm offering here is a change of perspective. It is effective if you've never thought about sex this way and if you tend to take less than 15 minutes for an entire lovemaking session on average.

So, you wonder. "How can I last longer in bed?" Let me ask you a question. What exactly do you mean by "lasting longer in bed"?

My guess is this. What you have in mind is a time period from the point when you insert your penis into your lover and the point when you ejaculate. 

You want to increase the amount of time you stay inside your lover, and that's what you mean by "lasting longer in bed".

It is possible to increase your sexual stamina in this sense if you train properly. You can learn to last 60 minutes longer. But you do need to make some commitment to it and I can't make you last 60 minutes longer via this article alone.

What I can do, however, is to ask you to look at the idea of "lasting longer in bed" from a broader perspective. Think about an entire lovemaking session rather than how long you stay inside your lover. 

So, from this perspective, "lasting longer in bed" is about how much you spend time with your partner in bed.

So, if you want to last 60 minutes longer in bed from today in this sense, you can easily do it by spending more time on foreplay and after play.

One great way to spend more time on these activities is to do things slowly. For example, take her clothes off one by one. Kiss her lips. Around her neck. Her collar bones. 

Then you can slowly move down to her breasts. Don't jump straight onto her nipple, but you can slowly move your tongue toward it. Imagine how a snail moves. You can make it that slow.

When you do things slowly, it's very teasing and sensual. Also, you will be able to spend more time in bed!

But let us not forget that our mission as a man is to give the greatest pleasure to women while having fun. 

If you take more time and give her a clitoral orgasm or two from oral sex, then the intercourse part of sex can be much more pleasurable to both her and you as well no matter how long you last in this part (again, you don't need to rush while inside her as well. Take your time!).

To summarize my points quickly, here's what I covered in this article.

  • There are two ways to understand the idea of lasting longer in bed.
  • One way is to consider it as the amount of time you stay inside your partner.
  • You can learn to last longer in this sense as well, but you need some commitment to learn this.
  • The other way is to consider it as a whole lovemaking session.
  • You can spend more time in bed and last longer from today in this sense.
  • A great way is to do things slowly because it makes them more sensual and pleasurable.
  • After all, sex is a whole package of foreplay, intercourse, and after-play. Be a man who can give the greatest pleasure to his woman.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Your special report…

Are you struggling with your performance in bed?

More specifically, is your inability to last long enough for your partner making you feel anxious about sex?

If so, I’m glad to see you’ve made the right decision by getting your exclusive copy of “Supercharging Your Ejaculatory Control”.

If you want to permanently end the pain and embarrassment of premature ejaculation and enjoy transformative sex, read this right away.

You’re going to learn valuable tips and strategies that 90% of men will never know about combating PE. This will put you in TOTAL control and allow you to SUPERCHARGE your performance in bed.

This Secret Has The Power To Completely Reverse Even The Most Severe Premature Ejaculation So You Can Go 30 To 60 Minutes At A Time… 3, 4 Or Even 5 Times A Night…

So now it’s time to open up your copy of the report and take that crucial first step. You can get your free copy here.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

5 Expert Tips on How to Last Longer in Bed

How to last longer in bed takes some practice and skill. Knowing what to do is important if you want to prolong ejaculation. The problem of rapid climax is not something you are born with. It is also not due to your body or age. There is nothing wrong with you.

Some men worry that it is because of their penis size. That is not true. To last longer in bed you need to know what to do before and during sex. Too many men take this for granted.

5 expert tips you on how to last longer in bed

1. Relax and Stay Cool

When you are nervous you will definitely fumble up in bed. Your anxiety will increase when you start thinking about how well your performance is and what your partner thinks of it. This will in turn release stress hormones in your body. What most people do not know is that stress hormones will actually make you ejaculate prematurely. 

When you get nervous, take deep breaths and think of something relaxing. Think about enjoying the sex more rather than worrying about it. She will definitely respond to your positive energy which will definitely help you to prolong ejaculation.

2. Empty Your Bladder Before Sex

Did you know that having a full bladder during sex will actually encourage you to climax quickly? This is because of the pressure of the weight from the bladder on your genitals. So the question of how to last longer in bed for men can be as easy as going to the bathroom and emptying your bladder first before sexual intercourse.

3. Stop the Rhythm

When you feel that you are about to ejaculate slowly stop the rhythm. This means to stop whatever you are doing or stop the thrusting. This will stop the natural ejaculation process. Take deep breaths and once you feel the climaxing feeling going down, then you can continue the sex act again. 

This way you can prolong ejaculation. Another way to stop the rhythm instead of taking deep breaths you can immediately change your position when you get close to ejaculation. This will distract your mind and the ejaculation process. This is how to last longer in bed.

4. Rubbing Instead of Thrusting

Here is another trick you can do when you find yourself coming close to ejaculation. Press your pelvic bone against your partner and then keep rubbing instead of thrusting. In other words, your pelvis is rubbing against her clitoris and she will get a lot of pleasure from this movement. At the same time, you can last longer because the pleasure is now of you.

5. Practice Long Masturbating

Practice masturbating yourself by taking your time. When you are masturbating you are actually programming your body, mind, and penis for the length of time before you ejaculate during actual sex. 

So if it takes you only a few short minutes before ejaculation then expect the same during sexual intercourse. So from now on, be sure to take at least 15 minutes when you masturbate. This can be done if you stop and take deep breaths whenever you come close to orgasm and then continue. Practice makes perfect.

So following these 5 tips is how to last longer in bed. 

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Your special report…

Are you struggling with your performance in bed?

More specifically, is your inability to last long enough for your partner making you feel anxious about sex?

If so, I’m glad to see you’ve made the right decision by getting your exclusive copy of “Supercharging Your Ejaculatory Control”.

If you want to permanently end the pain and embarrassment of premature ejaculation and enjoy transformative sex, read this right away.

You’re going to learn valuable tips and strategies that 90% of men will never know about combating PE. This will put you in TOTAL control and allow you to SUPERCHARGE your performance in bed.

This Secret Has The Power To Completely Reverse Even The Most Severe Premature Ejaculation So You Can Go 30 To 60 Minutes At A Time… 3, 4 Or Even 5 Times A Night…

So now it’s time to open up your copy of the report and take that crucial first step. You can get your free copy here.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Last Longer In Bed Naturally — Copy These 2 Things Done By Men Who Last Long Naturally

Want to know the real secret to lasting longer in bed naturally? Well, you’re about to find it out…

The secret to lasting longer in bed naturally is to understand that premature ejaculation…

Is all in your head.

Now as much of an oversimplification as that sounds, it really is true.

The biggest difference between the men who can last longer in bed naturally and those who can’t is what goes on in their heads.

Sure, there are a few strategies and techniques that can help you last longer in bed too, but you can make a dramatic difference in how long you last just by making a few distinctions and changes to what goes through your head before and during sex.

So below I want to show you the things that men who last longer in bed naturally do differently from those who don’t so you can copy them and last longer in bed naturally yourself.

1. They don’t take sex too seriously

A major cause of premature ejaculation is anxiety and stress. Some studies claim that experiencing these emotions causes your body to release the hormones adrenaline and dopamine into the bloodstream which has been found to encourage premature ejaculation.

It’s no surprise then that the people who seem to last longer in bed are the ones who don’t worry too much about sex and don’t take it too seriously.

Why not join these people? Because when you think about it, there’s no real need to worry that much about sex.

Sex is perfectly natural and is something that has been happening between people for hundreds of thousands of years, so why stress about it? If something goes wrong there’ll always be another chance to have sex.

This relaxed kind of attitude is shared by most men who can last long in bed so why not adopt it yourself?

You’ll no doubt start enjoying sex a lot more when you stop taking it so seriously and allow yourself to just have some fun.

2. They consciously relax themselves

No man is perfect and every man at times feels stressed even if he has some empowering beliefs about sex like the ones I just talked about.

But the other thing that makes the difference between men who last and those who don’t lie is how they HANDLE stress.

Most men who experience premature ejaculation don’t know how to handle stress, anxiety, and nervousness when it arises.

And as a result, often it will end up taking over and causing premature ejaculation.

The men who last longer in bed naturally have a different strategy.

When stress arises for them they react differently. These men don’t just let it swell and grow, they take a time out.

They stop what they’re doing, stop their thoughts from running, just stop everything and they take a moment to consciously relax their body and mind and take in some long deep breaths.

Before they know it, their stress is gone.

It really can be as easy as that, but you’ve got to remember to actually do it. It’s too easy to let yourself get caught up in the moment and let your worries snowball.

If you do catch yourself worrying about sex just stop what you’re doing for a minute and just observe your thoughts while you relax and take in a deep breath.

The transformational effect it will have on how long you last is nothing short of phenomenal.

And the reason the two approaches I just described are so effective to stop premature ejaculation is that they are modeled based on what already works for men who can already last longer in bed naturally.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

I really do not reveal my top-secret weapon on public pages. If you want to see how I learned to master and stop premature ejaculation follow this link to my private page. There you will learn the big gun that brought me from minute man to sexual dynamo:

You will be surprised about what the big secret is:

This Secret Has The Power To Completely Reverse Even The Most Severe Premature Ejaculation So You Can Go 30 To 60 Minutes At A Time… 3, 4 Or Even 5 Times A Night…

So now it’s time to open up your copy of the report and take that crucial first step. You can get your free copy here.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

How To Cure Premature Ejaculation — 7 Simple Tricks To Use Tonight!

Here are my top tips on how to cure premature ejaculation. Use these tricks tonight to immediately make sex last longer!

First of all, I’d like to assure you that you are not alone in your premature ejaculation issues. Over two-thirds of others suffer the same problems.

The Premature Ejaculation problem is much more than simply just not being able to last long enough in bed.

The problems that many men suffer in the bedroom can be brought about by bad habits of masturbation in their younger years or may involve a wider issue of stress or depression in their lives.

Furthermore, much as we’d all like to believe it, there simply is no quick fix on how to cure premature ejaculation, although there are many things we can do to help ourselves last longer.

Bearing in mind that we must always look at the longer term in order to find a long-lasting cure the techniques below will show you how to cure premature ejaculation in the short term. You can use these methods right now to help yourself last longer;

  1. Drinking alcohol (just a bit) or wearing a condom is an easy way to reduce sensation and last longer.
  2. You need to stay in control. When you feel yourself getting to the point of no return learn to recognize it and stop.
  3. Alter your techniques so you are not pleasing yourself all the time. Stop and alter your moves. Buy yourself a lot of time by using oral sex and foreplay. Just make sure you keep pleasing her.
  4. Just before the point of no return, a deep breath will help suppress the reflex urge.
  5. Change your position often. If you find one less stimulating for you, use it more often. A shorter thrust in a circular motion will stimulate more areas of your penis making you last longer.
  6. Masturbate first to ensure you last longer, Just pop to the toilet beforehand.
  7. The muscle behind the testicles can help control the Ejaculation urge and reflex.

These simple techniques will give you a better understanding of how to cure premature ejaculation at least for tonight.

The wider Premature Ejaculation problem does however need a longer-term treatment to deal with all the underlying issues. Only by looking at the longer term and spending some time learning about more in-depth techniques of self-control or understanding the underlying problems will you truly know how to cure premature ejaculation.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Your special FREE report…

Are you struggling with your performance in bed?

More specifically, is your inability to last long enough for your partner making you feel anxious about sex?

If so, I’m glad to see you’ve made the right decision by getting your exclusive copy of “Supercharging Your Ejaculatory Control”.

If you want to permanently end the pain and embarrassment of premature ejaculation and enjoy transformative sex, read this right away:

Supercharging Your Ejaculatory Control

THEN pay CLOSE attention to the messages that arrive in your inbox. You’re going to learn valuable tips and strategies that 90% of men will never know about combating PE. This will put you in TOTAL control and allow you to SUPERCHARGE your performance in bed.

So now it’s time to open up your copy of the report and take that crucial first step…