Saturday, March 4, 2023

Top 5 Positions to Delay Ejaculation - That Really Work!

It is important to learn to control and delay ejaculation in order to maintain a mutually healthy sexual experience. Men put too much pressure on themselves to last "all night" thinking that's what gives women the most sexual satisfaction. Sometimes a "quickie" or a "nooner" can be just as sexually satisfying to a woman as a long drawn out all-nighter using every trick in the book to delay ejaculation. 

However, you need to be prepared to delay ejaculation and last longer if the need arises. Remember, the purpose of this article is to teach you to delay ejaculation for the benefit of a healthy sexual experience and not just for the sake of delay. 

According to one survey, most women reported wanting sex to last between 10 and 20 minutes. They felt that was enough time for them to climax but not too much time to where they are sore or uncomfortable afterward. This means you need to take how long you currently last and figure out how many minutes you currently need to delay ejaculation

It's important to consider that in order to delay ejaculation you need to be prepared for it. By that, I mean that you need to understand it. The bottom line is ejaculation is a direct result of some simple biology. 

Your body senses arousal, it pumps blood to your penis so you get an erection, it moves seminal fluid to your urethra, and then the muscles contract and expel it from the body. That is a pretty elementary understanding of the process but it gives you a starting point.

Below is a list of 5 sexual positions that have been proven to delay ejaculation. These are not tricks to make you be a "marathon man" but just simple ways to slow things down for yourself.

5. Oral Sex 

Are you saying to yourself "that's not a position"? If you are, then you need to start thinking "outside the box" (no pun intended). Oral sex is a great way to be intimate with your partner but still have control to delay ejaculation. My advice is to always be the "recipient" first. 

This way, even if you are getting really excited after just a couple of minutes, you can switch and be the "giver" while you calm down. This gives you total control. You can end the stimulation when you want, and delay it for as long as you want while you are giving her pleasure.

4. Woman on top 

It's a little more complicated than just putting the woman on top and delaying ejaculation. It takes friction to stimulate and eventually have a man reach orgasm. So with her on top, create as little friction as possible. Think of it more as a "grinding" motion (but gentler). The added benefit to this is that you are going to be stimulating her clitoris which is helping you achieve the goal to delay ejaculation and have her climax too.

3. Supporting your weight 

Any of the positions that require you to support your own weight (standing, missionary with your back arched, on your side while thrusting) have a built-in advantage to help you delay ejaculation. It works two ways, you are distracted by the physical task of supporting your own weight. 

Distraction equals delayed ejaculation. Secondly, manual labor is not something that turns people on (usually). Ever finish mowing that yard on a hot summer day and immediately feel like having sex? Everyone has sex on a moving day? Of course not, because those things are hard work and hard work isn't sexy. So working hard but supporting your own weight will delay ejaculation

2. Shower Sex 

OK, so technically it's probably not a position but it is extremely effective to delay ejaculation. Shower sex has a ton of things working in your favor. First, you are supporting your own weight. 

Second, water is an anti-lubricant and will actually assist in washing away any lubricant (natural or otherwise). Additionally, it's usually just plain awkward. Contrary to most pornographic movies, showers were not built for intercourse. Plus, the water can be tremendously distracting for your body. 

Water beating against your face tends to distract you from the task at hand and dealy ejaculation. So if you can delay ejaculation and then move from the shower to the bedroom you successfully achieved your goal!

1. Choose your own adventure 

This goes back to a point from earlier in the article about arousal. You know what does and doesn't work for you. If your partner likes to have sex in a certain position and you don't really like the position then do it. 

You are all but guaranteed to delay ejaculation that way. You need to choose positions that put you in control of your adventure. You need to control the friction, your arousal level, etc.

The Tip of an Iceberg

This Secret Has The Power To Completely Reverse Even The Most Severe Premature Ejaculation So You Can Go 30 To 60 Minutes At A Time… 3, 4, Or Even 5 Times A Night…

Learn about lasting longer in bed with these effective techniques and training methods proven to end premature ejaculation and the pain and embarrassment of this condition. 

If you are looking to stop your premature ejaculation permanently and start lasting 30-60 minutes longer tonight, Click Here to read our featured story of how one man cured himself within a few days using this simple Home Treatment to cure his ejaculation problem. The sooner you treat this condition the natural way, the sooner you can start enjoying the tremendous benefits of a great sex life!